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The ShearFlo® KR-140 pressure regulator ensures high cycle life, negligible internal leakage and contamination resistant operation for 1” to 1-1/2” piping in high pressure and high flow rate applications. Its modular design allows for various operator and porting options with supply pressures to 6000 psi and regulated outlet pressures ranging from 50 to 6000 psi.

PacSeal Hydraulics’ pressure regulators have become the industry standard for oil and gas BOP control systems because of their reliability, accuracy and long-life robustness in corrosive and critical service conditions. Maintaining hydraulic system pressure at a set value is vital for all downstream components and functions. Strict inspection and testing requirements and 100% American-made components ensure quality and reliability that cannot be found anywhere else.

For guidelines on how to properly size a KR to an SV, please see our blog here.


Supply Port Size 1 in. NPT or SAE ORB (2X)
Outlet Port Size 1-1/2 in. NPT or SAE ORB
Vent Port Size 1/2 in. NPT or SAE ORB (2X)
Working Pressure Options (Liquid) 3000, 5000 or 6000 psi
Regulated Outlet Pressure Options See Product Configurator
Cv Factor Outlet 21
Cv Factor Vent 2.8
Rated Flow 180 GPM
Temperature Rating (Regulators and Failsafe Motors) -40° to 250°F
Weight See Installation Drawings
Fluid Media Hydraulic Oil or Lubricated Water1
ShearFlo Sealing Components Hardened Stainless Steel1
Body Carbon Steel
Flanges and Operators Carbon Steel
Hardware Coated Carbon Steel
O-rings Buna-N, Viton or EPR
Backup Rings Teflon
1For water-based media, special alloy seal rings may be required for optimum performance and durability. Contact PacSeal Hydraulics at (714) 529-9495 for details.

Model Configurator and Ordering Instructions

Use the below configurator to create a model number for a KR-140 Pressure Regulator (i.e. KR-140 with NPT ports, 3000 psi supply pressure, “L” regulated outlet pressure, Manual handle, and Direct Internal Override is KR-140N3LM-IO). Simply call PacSeal or use our Request a Quote tool to receive pricing.

Detailed information regarding each option is shown in KR-140 Pressure Regulator Specifications.

For repair kits and other accessories, see links below.

*Common Part Numbers for Reference
Part No. Basic Description Model No.
40-1967 NPT Ports, 3000 psi Inlet, 200-2000 psi Outlet, Manual Operator KR-140N3LM
40-2447 SAE Ports, 3000 psi Inlet, 200-2000 psi Outlet, Manual Operator KR-140S3LM
40-2019 NPT Ports, 3000 psi Inlet, 200-2000 psi Outlet, FSA Operator KR-140N3LFSA
40-1875 NPT Ports, 3000 psi Inlet, 550-2500 psi Outlet, Manual Operator KR-140N3RM
40-1890 NPT Ports, 3000 psi Inlet, 550-2500 psi Outlet, FSA Operator KR-140N3RFSA
40-4075 NPT Ports, 5000 psi Inlet, 350-3300 psi Outlet, Manual Operator KR-140N5HM
40-3775 NPT Ports, 5000 psi Inlet, 350-3300 psi Outlet, FSA Operator KR-140N5HFSA
40-2387 NPT Ports, 5000 psi Inlet, 400-4000 psi Outlet, Manual Operator KR-140N5DM
40-2099 NPT Ports, 5000 psi Inlet, 400-4000 psi Outlet, FSA Operator KR-140N5DFSA
40-2446 SAE Ports, 5000 psi Inlet, 400-4000 psi Outlet, FSA Operator KR-140S5DFSA
*Note: These part numbers are the most commonly purchased and are displayed for reference only. Other models may be configured as requested.


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